Doctor Mody Counsels Would be Doctor Entrepreneurs
The Meril Academy at Vapi is an internationally benchmark education platform set up by Meril Life Sciences Pvt. Ltd., which is a medical device manufacturing company. It regularly conducts national and international level education programs for the doctor’s fraternity.
Healthcare delivery in India is achieved through a very heterogeneous mix of hospital platforms – Government hospitals, large corporate chain hospitals, 15-20 bedded private nursing homes and now a new class of hospitals. This new class consist of doctor – entrepreneurs who are taking the lead in putting up relatively large typically 100 bedded, standalone modern and professional hospital platforms. These hospitals have a unique blend of the strength of large corporate chain hospitals and yet have the ethos of doctor focused and driven contact with the patient. It allows the hospital and the patient to retain the doctor-patient emotive contact and the flexibility of helping individual cases in different ways including financial discounts.
However, it is indeed a leap of faith for the individual doctor because the financial and operational dynamics of scaling up from a small nursing home to a large and modern infrastructure equipped hospital are completely different.
The Meril Academy in association with XLRI, our country’s one of the oldest School of Management from Jamshedpur had organized a two days teaching seminar for doctors from all over India to give them insights into the challenges of Crossing the Rubicon from a small nursing home to a large hospital.
Dr Bharat Mody is considered a Guru not only in the field of orthopaedic surgery, but also in the area of entrepreneurship in the hospital industry. The Welcare Hospital promoted and established by him has become an iconic example of the new class of hospitals mentioned earlier. He was invited by the Meril Academy to deliver a keynote lecture to the audience. Selected doctors from all over the country were attending the course. Dr. Mody delivered his talk titled – “Building a state of the art hospital – labours of Hercules”.